Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year, New You ?

     Ah, Auld Lang Syne. It's the beginning of the new year and as we all wonder where the heck the time went, we all, in the back of our heads, are contemplating making New Years resolutions.
Now don't say you haven't thought about it, because YOU DID. As did I. But I will say I am done with "this year I'll go to the gym" no I won't and I accept it, "this year I'll be skinnier and rich" ok, but that means I have to work for it right?

     Well anyway, over this winter break I had many aspirations: exercising, doing yoga to strengthen up my muscles again, eating better, going on adventures, being creative... and all I have done was rot in my bed and not be productive at all! UNTIL TODAY!
I figured I'd write a post on how to NOT be a lazy bum until school starts up again because I woke up this morning and realized I was doing absolutely nothing with my life and that had to change! I was getting lazier and lazier by the day that I was even too lazy to go get my nails done. Enough is enough, Ariana. and No, this won't last until school starts, but will (try to) last for the year, make the best out of it, as we always tell ourselves.

So here are some of my easy-to-keep-up-with New Years Resolutions that you won't break by next week :)

     1. No More Shots! That is number 1 because after a New Years Eve of heavy drinking followed by a New Years Day of death, I never ever want to see Fireball again. Who thought of making a cinnamon flavored whiskey that tastes like Big Red anyway?

     2. This is an add-on to #1, cut back on drinking. I've realized that when I'm bored, I usually go out for a drink and not just ONE drink, more like five and that is no good. Drinking on the calories is super easy, and that's exactly what I've been doing. If I wanna lose some weight, gotta cut down on drinks! You'd be surprised at how sugary and high in calories they are. Plus, cutting back to having 3 drinks MAX is a good start, and drinking, at most, only once a week should be even better. Seriously, though can they ban Fireball?

     3. Eat Breakfast! I love breakfast, unfortunately I either never have time to make it, or I just don't (told you I've gotten lazy) And as much as you've heard this, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Seriously, it gets your metabolism going, your juices flowing and your brain running. Even if you start out with some oatmeal, you'll be great!

     4. This may be a given but, keep a positive attitude. Remember you attract what you radiate. Sometimes it's hard, and I know it is it gets hard for me, but try to just try, even if its one thing a day. one step at a time! Plus, it'll give you a better outlook on things as well as a pep in your step to take on resolution #5 with no problem ;)

     5. Clean. No one likes to do it, but you have to. Make cleaning more enjoyable, put on your favorite record, dance some salsa, put on an audiobook. You'll realize the time will go fast. If you live with your parents, help them out. My mother always takes one whole day to clean, teamwork makes it faster; she'll tackle the bathroom while I'll tackle the living room and kitchen. Help clean and she'll appreciate it and you will too. Clean more often so when you do, it isn't one big mess, its only a small one. I am definitely going to try to clean my room once a week and most definitely putting a day aside to help my mother clean the house.

     6. Do more things that make you happy. I mean it, if you want to go see a movie no one else wants to see, go alone. If you get cabin fever in your house, take a walk in the city. Paint, write, dance. Do whatever you want and enjoy your own company because alone time is more important than always being with someone. I always complain im so bored I want to go here I want to go there. So next time i'm just gonna go. You'll be surprised at how peaceful and relaxing it is, take your time, take pictures, be happy.

So as I sit here and write this post at 1 am, I have already become more productive than I was earlier today! Try to give these a go, they're simple and easy to keep up with! Let me know what you try or if you've got any others you suggest :)

Happy New Year!

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